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Vision & Mission



The basic goal of Esperanza High School is to provide a positive environment where all students are encouraged by administration, teachers, staff, and parents to become lifelong learners, earn a high school diploma or its equivalent, and be responsible members of the community. In order to accomplish this basic goal, emphasis is placed on the assessment of individual needs and the pursuit of individual goals. We are a united, committed school community driven to...

● CONNECT all students to our positive school culture;
● ACCELERATE all students' interpersonal and academic skills;
● LAUNCH all students into their post-secondary goals. 


The mission of Esperanza Alternative High School is to provide students with a nurturing learning environment that promotes academic achievement, fosters personal growth, respect for the rights and diversity of others, and cultivates the attitude, skills, and values necessary for students to become lifelong learners, responsible citizens, and productive members of society.