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About Our Program

About Our Program

About Our Program

Esperanza High School has been successfully serving Gridley students for over 45 years! Our unique school program is intended for students ages 16 or older and in the 11th or 12th grade. Our program is geared towards supporting students who are credit deficient; however, students do not need to be credit deficient to attend. Our program offers a smaller setting with a student-to-teacher ratio of approximately 15:1. Our school staff consists of a principal, secretary, counselor, custodian, and two teachers. Students are referred to our program through Gridley High School. Families interested in enrollment need to talk with Gridley High School counselors.  
A smaller school setting can be a great benefit to many students. It allows for a community-focused school climate and can foster citizenship, leadership, and social-emotional skills through increased student engagement. Our site strives to enhance student confidence, communication, and support. Students often develop stronger relationships with their peers as they have daily opportunities to get to know one another in an inclusive school setting. 
Esperanza students do not have the traditional homework as class assignments are completed in class. However, there is ALWAYS  "homework" to recoup missing credits! Keep in mind that the morning session at school is to maintain their current grade level credit requirements only. Our version of "homework" is the credit recovery portion and must be worked on every day at home to realign students on their graduation track. Edgenuity is our credit recovery program which is accessible 24/7, so students have unlimited time to work independently at home.  
Esperanza is WASC accredited and our diploma holds the same value as any other comprehensive high school. Our graduation ceremony is traditional with graduates in caps and gowns. It is truly a wonderful moment to honor the graduates in a more personal setting.
Please contact us with any questions at (530) 846-6721.
Location:  581B Jackson St., Gridley, CA  95948
Esperanza School Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Office Hours:  7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Graduation Requirements:  200 credits

Esperanza Graduates 2019

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